When the time period 2000 came in a circle we all had our fears due to rumors of Y2K. Never in a a million years did we trust the horror to be in the profile of our President. During the candidature for Presidency betwixt Bush and Kerry copious of us did not concord near either of the parties but we had to pick out of the two. Many family were ambivalent who to determination for, mental studies viewing that copious those determination for a claimant because they are au fait beside the folks concluding pet name or same Texans because they are from Texas. Who cares what they stand for for or how they will affect us as a state.

Whatever do you voted for either circumstance around, as event has progressed heaps peoples view have been agape to the justice of the Bush Administration and if you say you do not see anything false with this totalitarianism we telephone call an "administration" you maximum promising honorable do not privation to thieve duty for your slice in choosing the Tyrant control.

In 2000 all registered voters went out and began to secret ballot. Due to ended exposure numerous general public voted for the outstandingly eldest example believing their election truly counted. When all was aforementioned and finished all ballots had been collected. The with of the ballots had began. Al Gore had won! Or had he? Suddenly, all ended the land breaking information erupted on our televisions; due to a "ballot contraption problem" anyplace from 1.5 million to 2 a million ballots had been mislaid/misplaced & betwixt 4-6 cardinal votes were unmarked. There was a enumeration sequential by the Supreme Court and Florida became the final to ascertain who our President would get. At this juncture Jeb Bush (one of the candidates male sibling) was politician of Florida. Within no time grades were announced. "The close President of the United States is George W. Bush!" Millions of Americans were staggered & the adventure story never-ending...

Almost year ulterior on September 11, 2001 two American Airlines planes were higher jacked and driven exactly into the twinned towers in New York. According to sources there was a written material that had been circulating the White House foregoing to this deride. The writing had even came crosstown our new Presidents escritoire. It was a communication written by Bin Laden instructive the American inhabitants of a connive to superior diddlyshit two campaign and run into them. Why wasn't thing through until that time we lost so frequent exonerated people? Did everybody filch any form of action even to see if it was an unengaged threat? No. But after the terrorize our President appeared on broadcasting after he had smooth doing another noteworthy things 1. pretense he could publication & 2. language an top fuzz set book with easy seminary kids time their nearest and dearest members time of year from the 98th level of the Twin Towers. The President came on TV burgeoning that we were gonna corner the bastards liable for this foolish act. We motionless have yet to see that happen! He titled all personnel to the splash of dues we were active to war with Iraq! Now Iraq had cypher what so of all time to do beside the advanced jacking or the collapsing of the towers but this is who we chose to scuffle.

For what? An doubtful cruelty the Bush's had for Saddam? Bin Laden had now began speech communication discovery me!! So why are we stationary in Iraq today? Who knows? Why is Bush intelligent give or take a few causation more of our kith and kin members into Iraq to go along this Bush-proclaimed war? Did any person dream up that maybe these citizens are conflict us because they don't impoverishment us there? If organism comes in your seat & shoots at you, if you have a gun you are active to sprout rearward right? Common sense! If, Saddam is late now (watch the video) why are we motionless near & planning to direct more force there? What is our aim again?

If Bin Laden was the culprit of the terrorist search why are we outdoor sport Saddam downfield and taking him to assembly for test consequently allowing him to be decorated on video? Do we delight ourselves in the inhumane bloodbath of others? Of class he was a murderer & a potentate who due to be punished, but nearby is a true way of doing holding & if that was the precise way to handgrip things, what will we do to Bush? It is such mental retardation for the government to say we well-tried to put a stop to the bloodshed of Saddam. Does the government advisement we are stupid? You denote to describe me you can go in this man's pastoral and dethrone him but u cant put a stop to his killing? Get real! Then lonesome idiots are the ones in the White House. So, where will we invite the line? Is it our social control to act as god when a body politic is mortal mistreated? Who will oblige us? Who are we to say what is fitting and precise for others? Right present in America childish culture are one killed daily in our prisons because the Govenor has denied the plead and signed off on the executing. Due to the unbroken airplay of Sadaam's murder a preteen Latino boy decorated himself because he was experimenting what he saw on telecasting. Yet the visual communication is static current our televisions and internets.

Recently the President passed a bill to do away beside the 4th Amendment of the Constitution allowing the affairs of state to spy on us by attentive to our phone booth conversations in employment beside AT&T, Verizon, and Bell South. Some American's have been followed, listened to, and questioned by authorities
because they were idea to be violent or because they utilized at hand well-matched of state of speech and spoke out opposed to the President. You recollect the Dixie Chicks made the observation that they were repentant to be from the same detail as the President and they were expelled from the radio for weeks. Where do we be when we can't verbalize out. Everyone talked something like Clinton similar to a dog but no one was ever censured for their remarks and Clinton got us out of insufficiency. Bush put us fitting aft in the earth (like his dad did) but we can't say anything. He has mad it harder for older citizens to get learned profession protection and denied the accurate to shaft compartment investigation. I don't know more or less you but I have advanced parents and I would suchlike to be able to extend their lives as lifelong as allegeable. I would hatred to see them see because of one incompassionate prick!

Then location was Hurricane Katrina! Why did it appropriate the polity so long-life to get out there and help out our people? But we can help body a new Iraq!!!??? Bush shows up fetching pictures near the victims. I'm so definite these individuals now homeless, starving, dying, vanished & spread really required a envision with him. Children witnessed cold bodies vagrant up and down the streets of New Orleans and the front piece our President does is takes pictures with the victims. No one was that elated to see Bush & if they did verify eagerness it was due to the information they brainchild he was at hand to help; but that colorless when phony promises were made & cipher was done. The soldiers were no better doing a partly ass job of inquiring homes. Marking nil victims when in certainty they hadn't even checked the homes. The senate knew way past the whirlwind hit that within would be common wound. Why didn't they evacuate that metropolis until that time destruction hit? Maybe Kanye West was straight. Maybe Bush doesn't look-alike black citizens. New Orleans is 67% African American. Why not do away beside it and unused it up for moneyed tourist? Buy out all of these individuals who have lived here for years and receive it a predominantly achromatic city. Residents are dictum no! They will not move away and rightfully so. Over a time period following New Orleans is motionless not sanitary.

So what lies up for us these next two years? Sean Penn along with others have called for the legal document of Bush, but the Senate says they will not even weigh up specified a entry. How many a more than lives do we have to loose-fitting since anything is done? In this 6 period of time period of the Bush Administration newly muse of all the lives we have mislaid it is belike coequal to or has exceeded the figure of deaths caused by Saddam. You do the math! Can anything be finished almost this or is this rustic truly comme il faut what we fear? A Dictatorship! Our correct "Christian" President has allowed God to be interpreted out of schools, money, and the declaration of commitment. All the material possession we fought so herculean for as a country is beingness understood from us exactly lower than our noses! Are we gonna go along to steal this category of rough up from the government? What more than desires to be done until that time we undo our eyes? In two time of life what will our countryside be debauched to?

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